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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on 2018.

Pictures from Scotland

Here are some selected photos from the trip to Scotland, 25 November - 1 December. Enjoy! Photos courtesy of Minna Koskinen, 2018.  ©

Work continues - a trip to Estonia in preparation

Greetings, and let me be the first to say: welcome back to school (now that even our European friends have returned from their summer holidays)! The trip to Lähte is drawing nearer and nearer with each passing day, the dates being October 3-9. We Finns will be bringing two teachers and five students there. I'm sure everyone is eager to meet old friends and get new ones and catch up on what's been going on since the previous trip to Finland. 😃 Here's to hoping the mood in Estonia will be as cheery as this: Best, Antti

Time for mid-project break!

Summer holidays are nearly here, and in the autumn it's time for midterm reporting. In the meanwhile we'll be preparing for the autumn visit to Estonia. Of course, we wish everyone a nice, relaxing summer holiday. May the sun shine upon you - but remember the sun lotion. :-)

Article about the visit to Finland, published in Alueviesti

Johdanto: Vammalan lukion Erasmus-projektin Suomen vierailu toi Sastamalaan 33 ulkomaalaista Erasmus-opettajaa ja -opiskelijaa 18.-24.2.2018. Vieraat tutustuivat nuorten poliittiseen osallistumiseen ja järjestivät sitä käsittelevän paneelikeskustelun, jossa osallistujat käsittelivät tilannetta omissa maissaan ja ideoivat keinoja aktivoida nuoria politiikan pariin. Viikon aikana vieraat tutustuivat myös Eduskuntataloon ja kotimaamme demokratian historiaan sekä talvilajeihin Ellivuoressa. Ohessa kahden opiskelijan haastattelut. Haastateltavana: Märt Nõmme, 19v, Virosta Haastattelija: Katja Ruohonen, Suomi Miksi päätit osallistua Erasmus+ -projektiin? Koulu kysyi tahtoisinko lähteä mukaan. Miksi päätit tulla juuri Suomeen projektin mukana? Olen ollut aikaisemminkin Suomessa Erasmus -projektin kautta. Halusin nähdä Suomea syvemmällä tasolla. On mielenkiintoista nähdä millä tavalla tavalliset suomalaiset perheet elävät. Mikä on ollut parasta tähän mennes...

Visit to Finland, February 18-24, 2018

The final visit during this academic year 2017-18 is over and plenty of happy memories remain! We're looking forward to our guests doint guest posts here later on, but to lessen the agony of waiting here are a few chosen pictures from the various activities during the visit. The program for the visit contained equal amount of work & fun: First of all, here's a group shot of the whole merry lot: Here are the students at school, working hard (or hardly working): Winter activities on Wednesday (the Winter Fun day in Ellivuori), mountain biking and frying pancakes: And Wednesday evening at Levo hunting lodge: The panel discussion of young people's political activity, organized by students: And, of course, the inevitable goodbyes:

Germany 23-29 November 2017

The visit to Germany was great! You can take a look at our best (or "best") video material on the vlog below.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Only 6+ weeks to go until the visit to Finland. Here's a flashback to the previous Erasmus+ project and the trip to Finland in 2016.