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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on 2017.

The dates are set, the project continues!

Despite some initial difficulties, we managed to settle the dates for the future visits. They are: 1) Estonia, 3 - 9 October, 2018 2) Scotland, 25 November - 1 December, 2018 3) Italy, 7 -13 February, 2019 The game is on! ... and here are some of the players.

Snapshots from the visit to Germany, 23 - 29 November 2017

Let the pictures speak for themselves ...

Germany, here we come!

... in a few days, that is. :-) The first trip during our new Erasmus+ project will take place between 23rd and 29th November, and it'll take us (two teachers and five students) to Ostfildern, Germany. Source: Looking forward to going to Germany to talk about urban planning (making cities more "breathable"), to see old friends & make new ones and visit the Esslingen Christmas market! Antti

A brief summary of the project

Erasmus+ at Vammalan lukio, 2017–2019  Vammalan lukio has had a lot of international co-operation funded by the EU since 1998. Our current two-year Erasmus+ project is titled  ”Work in Progress - Students Managing Public Relations Projects in Schools”  and it includes five school from five project countries: Lähte Ühisgümnaasium (from Lähte, Estonia), Otto-Hahn Gymnasium (from Ostfildern, Germany), Vammalan lukio (from Sastamala, Finland), Peebles High School (from Peebles, Scotland) ja Istituto Statale di Instruzione Superiore "F. Enriques" (from Castelfiorentino, Italy). The aim of the project is to promote project management and implementation skills as well as team work skills of the participating students. This will be achieved via surveys, training and using project management skills in relation to various themes (e.g. sustainable development, political participation of the young etc.) to produce a variety of end products (organising debates and panel discussi...

Introducing the project, in Finnish

Erasmus-projekti 2017–2019 Vammalan lukiolla on ollut säännöllistä EU:n tukemaa kansainvälistä yhteistyötä vuodesta 1998 lähtien. Näinä vuosina olemme sekä vastaanottaneet ulkomaalaisia kouluvieraita että vierailleet useamman Virossa, Italiassa, Skotlannissa, Saksassa, Menorcan saarella Espanjassa sekä kerran Kreikassa ja Puolassa. Nyt käynnistyvässä kaksivuotisessa projektissa on mukana yksi koulu kustakin viidestä projektimaasta: Virosta (Lähte Ühisgümnaasium, Lähte), Saksasta (Otto-Hahn Gymnasium, Ostfildern), Suomesta (Vammalan lukio, Sastamala), Skotlannista (Peebles High School, Peebles) ja Italiasta (Istituto Statale di Instruzione Superiore "F. Enriques", Castelfiorentino). Projektimme nimi on ” Work in Progress - Students Managing Public Relations Projects in Schools ” ja sen tavoitteena on edistää opiskelijoiden yhteistyö- ja projektitaitoja monipuolisissa tilanteissa kuten mm. paneelikeskustelujen organisointi, nettisivujen luominen yms. ja eri ...